Te Tai Rāwhiti

Whiua ki te ao, whiua ki te rangi, whiua ki Te Tairāwhiti

Pae Motuhake Members.
L-R: Maria Wynyard, Ruth Smith, Phillecity Ngarangione, Mātai Smith, Ataneta Paewai, Jeremy Tātere MacLeod, Tangiwai Wilson, Marlene Harris, Lewis Whaitiri

Ngā Aronga Haumitanga Matua a Te Tairāwhiti

  • The use and transmission of te reo Māori i te kāenga, that will create opportunities to sustain te reo Māori domains beyond te kāenga i.e. papa kāenga, marae me ngā hapori.
  • Providing information and awareness about te reo Māori.
  • Developing ways that will support and engage people in te reo Māori revitalisation i.e language planning.
  • Developing ways to ensure language revitalisation initiatives meet the needs of marae, hapū, me ngā hapori.
  • Using te reo Māori, and te reo Māori domains, along with unique Te Tairāwhiti dialectal variations.

Tikiake te Mahere Haumitanga i konei [PDF, 873 KB]

Te  Mātāuru ki Te Tai Rāwhiti.