Te Mātāwai Opens 2025-2026 Investment Round

With a new year ahead and new opportunities for reo revitalisation kaupapa on the horizon, we have opened registrations for our 2025-2026 Investment Round.
Each year, Te Mātāwai invite kāinga, hapori and iwi from around Aotearoa to revitalise te reo Māori through our Investment Programme.
Te Mātāwai Kaiwhakahaere Haumitanga, Nate Brabender, says that the hunger for reo revitalisation and reclamation in kāinga, hapori and iwi is at an all-time high.
“As awareness of our investment opportunities increase, so too does the number of registrations and applications we receive.”
The total Investment Round registrations Te Mātāwai received in 2024/2025 was 1,000, in comparison to 350 in 2023/2024. The Investment team forecast a continued growth in 2025/2026.
Nate says this year, we’re really pushing the importance of Kaitono [applicants] aligning their projects to the Investment Plan, priorities and criteria of their respective Kāhui.
“Te Mātāwai were only able to investment in 25% of the total amount request in last year’s Investment Round.”
“While this continues to be difficult for our Pae Motuhake who provide investment recommendations to our Poari, the high enthusiasm for te reo Māori revitalisation has us hopeful for the future of our reo,” Nate says.