Komiti Kaha - Mouri Reo, Mouri Ora

Komiti Kaha attendees with the Hana Te Hemara mural by Mr G in Ngāmotu, Taranaki. Photo by Tania Niwa.

I’m still buzzing after our hui-ā-tau Komiti Kaha: Mouri Reo, Mouri Ora event, held in Ngāmotu on 13-14 September. It is important the Board, Tari, Kaitono and Pae Motuhake can come together to share our efforts to make te reo Māori strong – i ngā piki me ngā heke.  

A highlight for me was sharing our new 4-year strategic vision, Hawaiki Tipuna, Hawaiki Mokopuna with the 100 attendees. You can read more on our Statement of Intent in this issue.

A big mihi to Te Whāiti ki te Taiuru and Taranaki whānui for hosting Komiti Kaha this year. It was special having mana whenua lead karakia by the Hana Te Hemara mural almost 52 years to the day she presented the Māori language petition to parliament. Hana and her Ngā Tamatoa and Te Reo Māori Society peers worked tirelessly to protect and elevate our language. Me mihi te māia, me mihi te remurere, me mihi te manawanui. Ko te tohe nui ki a koutou, ko te tohe roa ki a mātou e takatū nei i te ao.

As always, it is great to see te reo Māori celebrated throughout Mahuru Māori and Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. Te Mātāwai will continue to push beyond the week and the month ‘kia reo mauri ora’ - in our homes, in our communities, on our marae - so let’s keep growing this whānau.

Last week we hosted a Canadian Commission of Indigenous Languages delegation, and it was inspirational to hear the optimism they have in the challenges they face to revive their Indigenous languages and culture.

In revitalising the reo, the reo is revitalising us.

- Poia Rewi, Tumu Whakarae.