Matariki ahunga nui - Te Mātāwai ki tua o ngā whetū

Pānui Pāpāho

Matariki ahunga nui - Te Mātāwai ki tua o ngā whetū
Matariki - a time for reflection, a time for new opportunities

Utaina koia te kupu whakamānawa ki runga i a Tiare Tepana, mōna i noho hei hoa hautū i Te Mātāwai me ngā tūāmahi whakahaumanu i te reo. Te whakatairanga, te tautīnei, te whakatauira, te hāpai, te kōkiri i te reo, ko koe ia, e te rangatira, Tiare. Tau atu, tau mai.

He aha tā Matariki, tā Puanga? He tohu he rā hou tēnei kua ura, he wā hou kua ara, ka riro ko Bernie O’Donnell hei hoa-toihau mō Reikura Kahi i Te Poari o Te Mātāwai hei arataki i Te Poari hei toko i te ora o te reo Māori. Haramai te matatau me ōna wheako ki te taha whakahaere, kōkiri hoki i ngā take o te iwi.

Hei tā Bernie, “Hiamo ana māua ko Reikura i ngā kokenga o te reo i Aotearoa, otirā, i ngā mahi whakatairanga i te reo me ngā mahi tuku kia māori te reo i te motu. Mātua ana i Te Mātāwai ko te mahi tahi i te Karauna e tau rite ai ngā whiwhinga rawa, rauemi hoki, māna e āhei ai Te Mātāwai ki te arataki i whakarauoratanga o te reo Māori kia reo ora.

Tātou nei ia te kauwaka i te reo. Whakatepea ngā kō. Kōia, kōia.

E tipu koe ia, e te reo. Whanake! Hoake!




As we acknowledge the rising of Matariki and the new year, the Te Mātāwai board would like to take this opportunity to thank Charlie (Tiare) Te Pana, former Te Mātāwai Toihau, for his extensive leadership and contribution to the revitalisation of te reo Māori. Tiare has worked tirelessly over many decades promoting, embodying, and influencing the revitalisation of our language.

With the new year upon us, Te Mātāwai welcomes the appointment of Mr. Bernie O'Donnell (Te Ātiawa, Ngāruahine, Ngāti Mutunga, Kai Tahu) who brings with him a wealth of experience in governance and advocacy.

Bernie will work alongside Reikura Kahi to provide continued guidance and leadership to the Te Mātāwai Board in promoting the health and well-being of the Māori language.

Bernie says “Reikura and I are excited about the progress Aotearoa is making with the promotion and naturalisation of te reo Māori. A key priority for Te Mātāwai is to work closely with the Crown to achieve equity to enable Te Mātāwai to lead the revitalisation of te reo Māori.”