The aim of the He Reo Ora project was to collect information to create a current evidence base of Māori language revitalisation efforts happening at both national and regional levels. This information is critical to inform future language revitalisation planning in regions, and to create a freely available dataset of Māori language revitalisation activities and resources.
The first section presents the data collected and organises it by kāhui. The second section is an overview of government investment in Māori language revitalisation.
This project was guided by Kaupapa Māori research principles as well as mana tiaki, mana Māori, mana motuhake and mana tangata.
A bilingual survey was used to collect information about Māori language revitalisation activities and resources. The activities included wānanga reo, meet-ups for coffee and kōrero, festivals, waiata, and kaupapa-based activities. The resources included those that focused on helping people learn Māori as well as resources about te reo Māori revitalisation. These included digital or print publications, stickers, posters, sound recordings, audiovisual or computer files. The final report includes more than 1000 unique records for activities and resources.
Publishing date: 2018
Prepared by Te Wāhanga - New Zealand Council for Educational Research for Te Mātāwai
Contributors: Nicola Bright, Elliot Lawes, Basil Keane, Sheridan McKinley