A literature review to identify good practice in language revitalisation at a micro level (for whānau and communities) and to provide informed support for revitalisation planning and activities. The review presents examples of language revitalisations practices developed and implemented by whānau and community groups here in Aotearoa and abroad.
He Rau Ora literally means vitality. The use of the word rau refers to the leaves of the pā harakeke / flax plant. The central rau of the harakeke plant represent the child and the whānau and in this context, the intergenerational transmission of tikanga and reo Māori. The rau ora represents language revitalisation practices within the whānau and communities in Aotearoa New Zealand and in the other countries brought together in this literature.
Publishing date: July 2019
Prepared by Te Wāhanga - New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) for Te Mātāwai.
Contributors: Nicola Bright, Maraea Hunia, John Huria