Te Tai Tokerau

Kia tioro ngā reo o Te Tai Tokerau huri horapa i Te Tai Tokerau ki ngā maunga, ki ngā awa, ki ngā kokonga katoa!

From L-R Top Row: Raniera McGrath. Muritere Apiata (former Kaiurungi Reo), Joseph Kapea
From L-R Seated: Moe Milne, Hone Sadler
Absent: Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards

Te Tai Tokerau Investment Priorities:

Kia tioro ngā reo o Te Tai Tokerau huri horapa I Te tai Tokerau ki ngā maunga, ki ngā awa, ki ngā kokonga katoa!

Growing, diversifying, and maintaining immersion domains that preserve the uniqueness of ngā reo o Te Tai Tokerau.

  • Research and resource development specific to ngā reo o Te Tai Tokerau.
  • Diversifying language initiatives to reach all uri of Te Tai Tokerau.
  • Accommodating all levels of language proficiency.
  • Promoting regional collaboration of whaikōrero and karanga programmes to ensure quality, consistency, and sustainability.
  • Build capacity in speaking te reo at home and within whānau.

Download the Investment Plan here [PDF, 2 MB]

Te Mātāuru ki Te Tai Tokerau.