Kia ūkaipō anō te reo - Tāwharautia!

Seated L-R: Jennifer Takuta-Moses, Agnes McFarland
Absent: Ngareta Timutimu, Kylie Poihipi, Anna Kurei
Mātaatua Investment Priorities:
- Piki Ake - Foster Treasure Inspire
- Kake Ake - Cherish Share Encourage
- Te Kura Nui - Engage Promote Enable
- Te Kura Roa - Strategise Plan Sustain
Download the Investment Plan here [PDF, 351 KB]
The Mātaatua Investment plan is aimed at all uri of all the iwi listed below:
- Ngāti Pūkenga
- Ngāi Te Rangi
- Ngāti Ranginui
- Ngāti Awa
- Ngāti Manawa
- Ngāi Tai ki Tōrere
- Tūhoe
- Whakatōhea
- Te Whānau-a-Apanui
- Ngāti Ruapani ki Waikaremoana
- Ngāti Whare
Pae Motuhake, representing iwi and Māori interests, develop the investment plan and key priorities for each Kāhui and make recommendations to the Board of Te Mātāwai for approval.
Te Pae Motuhake o Mātaatua:
- Agnes McFarland (Appointed Board Member)
- Thomas Mitai (Te Whakatōhea)
- Aniwa Nicholas (Ngāti Ranginui)
- Ngareta Timutimu (Ngāi Te Rangi)
- Jennifer Takuta-Moses (Ngāti Ruapani)
- Kylie Poihipi (Te Whānau-ā-Apanui)
- Muriwai White (Ngāti Manawa)
- Te Taute Taiepa (Ngāti Whare)
- Rauangi-Leilani Ohia (Ngāti Pūkenga)
- Noti Belshaw - Pou Reo
- Anna Kurei - Kaiāwhina
Te Pae Motuhake Role
Provide leadership of the Māori language at a local level |
Determine language revitalisation needs |
Utilise research to inform decisions |
Inform and influence Te Mātāwai Board |
Develop annual investment plans |
Recommend recipients of investment support |
Projects we've invested in from 2023-2024:
Kaupapa name: | Delivery Type: | Amount: |
Tohekura 2024 | Wānanga,Kura reo,Resource production | $ 79,210.30 |
Te Reo Ka Whakapiki 2023-2024 | Wānanga,Language classes,Kura reo | $ 47,710.30 |
UHI | Wānanga,Kura reo,Resource production,Language planning | $ 44,210.30 |
Kura Reo ki Ngāti Awa | Kura reo | $ 42,264.80 |
Te Reo Rauriki, Te Reo Reiuru me te Reo Reitū | Resource production,Language planning | $ 39,210.30 |
Paepae o Taringa | Wānanga | $ 34,209.80 |
Ngā Pere Tekau mā Rua | Resource production | $ 33,860.30 |
E Tipu e Rea | Wānanga,Language classes,Language planning | $ 33,710.30 |
Whakawhanaungatanga Kia mohio te ahi kaa roa ki te tamou i te ahi kaa roa ki roto i o ratou whatumanawa o nga whakatipuranga rua mano rima tekau a Ngati Rere | Language classes,Kura reo,Resource production,Language planning | $ 33,665.80 |
Te Wharikitanga o Te Reo o Ngai Tai | Wānanga,Resource production,Language planning | $ 33,460.30 |
TE REINA WHITA | Wānanga,Resource production | $ 33,210.30 |
Te Whare o Tangiharuru | Wānanga,Language classes | $ 31,710.30 |
Korotau - te kō a te manu | Resource production | $ 31,110.30 |
Te Whakapiki i Te Pūmanawa Kia Puta Ai Te Māramatanga | Language planning | $ 30,810.30 |
Orokā Orokī Ōpōtiki Mai Tawhiti | Resource production,Other | $ 26,710.30 |
Kawea te kura nui, kia kura roa, kia kura tawhiti. | Wānanga,Resource production | $ 24,610.30 |
Te Uara | Wānanga,Resource production,Language planning | $ 23,210.30 |
TE REO O WAENGA – KŪMEA MAI NGĀ MOKOPUNA! | Wānanga,Language classes,Resource production,Language planning | $ 20,145.30 |
Fostering te Reo to restore our Papakāinga | Wānanga,Language planning | $ 19,210.30 |
Ngā Uri a Papakahawai rāua ko Turi Patata Herewini | Wānanga,Language classes,Language planning | $ 19,210.30 |
Te Kaupapa o Tawhito mō te whānau me hapū ki Waimapu | Wānanga,Language planning,Events | $ 19,210.30 |
Ngā Uara Matahiko – Sharing our values | Resource production,Language planning | $ 19,209.80 |
He Waka Kōrero - Whakatōhea | Wānanga,Resource production,Other | $ 19,160.30 |
Ngā ia taiheke o te Reo Māori | Language classes | $ 19,160.30 |
Pukepuke-Haunui Whānau Puāwai Te Reo | Wānanga,Language classes,Language planning | $ 19,110.30 |
Te Paringa Reo 2023/2024 | Wānanga,Language classes | $ 19,085.30 |
Te Reo Poipoia mo Tamaruarangi | Wānanga,Language classes | $ 19,070.30 |
Te Reo Piki Ake o te Whanau a Purukamu PAORA[Roihana] | Wānanga | $ 18,885.30 |
Te Reo Whakawhiti Korero | Wānanga,Resource production | $ 18,750.30 |
TE KARU O TE UREWERA | Wānanga | $ 18,710.30 |
Titia Te Reo hei Raukura Ūkaipo | Wānanga,Language classes,Resource production,Language planning | $ 18,710.30 |
Te Reo o Te Papakāinga | Wānanga,Language classes | $ 18,562.30 |
Te Reo Piki Ake o nga uri o Tangimamao Maangi Matiu | Wānanga | $ 18,066.80 |
Te Haahi o Te Kooti Rikirangi - Te Peka o Waiohau | Wānanga,Language classes,Resource production,Language planning,Events | $ 17,305.30 |
Ngā Uri o Mahanga | Wānanga,Resource production,Language planning,Events | $ 17,022.80 |
Kia Oho i te Reo Maori | Wānanga,Events | $ 16,710.30 |
Puawai Te Reo 2023 | Wānanga,Language classes | $ 16,710.30 |
Ara Mai | Wānanga | $ 15,680.30 |
Te Whakarau Ora i te Reo | Wānanga,Language classes,Resource production,Language planning | $ 15,385.30 |
Kia mau Kia ū | Wānanga,Language classes,Language planning | $ 13,735.30 |
Pimp my Reo 2023 | Wānanga,Resource production,Language planning,Other | $ 13,502.80 |
TE REO TAWHITO KAITITO, WHAKAARAHIA!!! | Wānanga,Resource production | $ 13,210.30 |
Te Reo Onamata - Ngā kōrerō onamata kia mau | Wānanga | $ 12,560.30 |
Te Whare Kōrero o Te Whānau Pereki | Wānanga | $ 12,210.30 |
Kia Kahukura te Tū - Teirney Whānau Wānanga | Wānanga,Resource production | $ 11,210.30 |
Kōrero Tuku Iho o Te Keeti | Wānanga | $ 6,000.00 |