Ngā Pae Motuhake

The eight Pae Motuhake connect the strategies and activities of Te Mātāwai with the needs of kāinga, hapori and iwi in their Kāhui.

Te Pae Motuhake o Te Tairāwhiti: Maria Wynyard, Ruth Smith, Phillecity Ngarangione, Matai Smith, Ataneta Paewai, Jeremy Tātere MacLeod, Tangiwai Wilson, Marlene Harris, Lewis Whaitiri

Te Mātāwai has eight Pae Motuhake to represent iwi: seven Kāhui ā-iwi and Te Reo Tukutuku, a collective of sector-based organisations. Each Pae Motuhake has a maximum of nine appointees, including a Chair who is also the Te Mātāwai Board representative.

The role of the Chair is to ensure the Pae Motuhake are well informed to carry out their role in an open and transparent manner. Pae Motuhake connect the strategies and activities of Te Mātāwai with the needs of their Kāhui.



Te Pae Motuhake Role

Provide leadership of the Māori language at a local level Determine language revitalisation needs Utilise research to inform decisions

Inform and influence Te Mātāwai Board

Develop annual investment plans Recommend recipients of investment support


Want to know more about the Pae Motuhake in your Kāhui?

Meet the Pae Motuhake and read the investment plan for your Kāhui.