Tāwharautia koe, Mātaatua

Media release

Te Pae Motuhake o Mātaatua will host a hui on the 15th of May for the purpose of appointing three new members to Te Pae Motuhake o Mātaatua.  

To secure a seat at the table, names put forward must receive support from a Rūnanga or from the Board of a tribal authority named in the Act. The nominee must have a record in Māori language revitalisation within their own iwi and must have a governance background. Ultimately, the Mātaatua Cluster will have the final say regarding the appointment of a member to Te Pae Motuhake o Mātaatua.

Te Pae Motuhake o Mātaatua Chair, Dr Te Kāhautu Maxwell, says, “An invitation has been issued, climb aboard, your waka awaits you.”

The hui will take place at Te Whare o Toroa, Wairaka Marae on Saturday the 15th of May 2021 from 10am to 1pm. Consistent with the Māori Language Act 2016, all who affiliate genealogically to the following are eligible to apply: Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngaiterangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Manawa, Ngāi Tai (Bay of Plenty), Tūhoe, Whakatōhea, Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngāti Ruapani ki Waikaremoana, and Ngāti Whare.

Submissions close on the 8th of May 2021. Please send your applications to tekahautu.maxwell@waikato.ac.nz.