Investing in opportunities in Te Tai Rāwhiti to engage and to use te reo Māori

Media release

Te Mātāwai in partnership with the Te Tai Rāwhiti Investment Panel wishes to advise those of Te Tai Rāwhiti descent that your te reo Māori investment round will open on Monday 26 February 2018 and close at 5pm on Friday 23 March 2018.

“Māori language revitalisation in the home and community is a high priority for Te Mātāwai,” says Te Atarangi Whiu, Te Mātāwai Tumu Whakarae. “We are extremely excited to announce the opening of another kāhui ā-iwi investment round because they represent a new approach for iwi to be supported. Empowering regional iwi kāhui (clusters) like Te Tai Rāwhiti to work closely with their people in a more intimate way is a priority for Te Mātāwai in supporting local language revitalisation,” she says.

The new Maihi Māori Strategy confirmed by Te Mātāwai last year, will steer Māori language investment throughout all eight investment clusters, as they each develop cluster investment plans reflecting local and regional priorities.

“We are really excited to add value to te reo Māori in our region because the people of Te Tai Rāwhiti know what best works for our communities,” says Jeremy Macleod, Te Mātāwai Board Member for Te Tai Rāwhiti.

“We will focus our efforts on engaging in specific Te Tai Rāwhiti reo revitalisation initiatives and by supporting the use of te reo Māori along with unique Te Tai Rāwhiti dialectual variations,” he says.

“And to achieve this we will work with our homes and communities investing in initiatives that have a proven track record of successfully impacting on the language of our region’s tribes; but we are also encouraging our people to be innovative and consider new ways of engaging our whānau in te reo Māori.” Please visit the Te Mātāwai Investments at to pre-register if you haven’t already done so. Then please complete your application that will contribute to restoring te reo Māori as a nurturing first language in homes and communities throughout Te Tai Rāwhiti.