Game changing approaches to Māori language revitalisation sought

Media release


To restore te reo Māori as a nurturing first language in homes and communities nationwide, Te Mātāwai and the Pae Motuhake mō Te Reo Tukutuku are now seeking projects and initiatives that are game-changers, innovative and build upon proven success.

“Our sectors have worked tirelessly to revitalise te reo Māori and to the best of each sectors prescribed ability, however we believe it’s now time that our sectors unite with a common goal that brings about real change for our language,” says Te Reo Tukutuku Pae Motuhake chairperson, Scotty Morrison.

“In saying that I’m extremely pleased to announce the opening of the Te Reo Tukutuku investment round because I know that we will get the kinds of game changing Māori language revitalisation initiatives and projects that our people have been longing for,’” he says.

Te Reo Tukutuku is made up of key stakeholders in the four Māori language sectors of community, media, education and urban Māori.

“Te Mātāwai endorses this investment plan of Te Pae Motuhake o Te Reo Tukutuku that sets out to develop, advance and implement their vision, "He tūmatakahuki, he reo tukutuku" – where every strand of language revitalisation is woven together in a framework to support all Māori language journeys across our communities,” says Te Mātāwai Hoa Toihau, Waihoroi

$2.7 million dollars is available and contestable in this investment round that will close at 5pm on Wednesday 25 July 2018.