$10m of investment support available for Māori language revitalisation initiatives

Media release

This month not only sees the rise of Matariki but the opportunity for whānau, and the four key Māori language sectors of community, media, education and urban Māori, to seek funding towards their Māori language revitalisation initiatives for the coming year.

Pae Motuhake and Te Mātāwai are proud to launch the 2020 investment rounds for each Kāhui beginning this month with Te Tai Rāwhiti, Te Tai Tokerau and Te Reo Tukutuku.

Pae Motuhake have each developed investment plans for their Kāhui to support and grow Māori language aspirations for their people. These plans align with the Maihi Māori Strategy, which is led by Te Mātāwai and has the goal “Kia ūkaipō anō te reo Māori”, to restore the Māori language as a nurturing first language.

Te Mātāwai Tumu Whakarae, Poia Rewi, says the investment rounds are an important way for Māori as whānau, hapū or iwi to propose and implement initiatives that are meaningful to their communities whilst contributing towards the goals of Te Mātāwai.

“Maihi Māori has two audacious goals; within the next 20 years we want to see one million or more people using te reo Māori and for a quarter of all Māori children under 7 years to have Māori as their first language. To realise these goals, Te Mātāwai supports Māori language revitalisation through supporting these investment opportunities and proposing analysis of investments to inform effective decision-making going forward which contribute towards the ultimate vision of Te Whare o Te Reo Mauriora – Kia mauriora te reo.

“The 2020 investment rounds invite whānau and our key Māori language sectors to register and apply for funding and collectively achieve those lofty goals. If you or someone you know has an idea that aligns with the goals and visions above, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us or one of your Pae Motuhake members to see if your idea has potential”, says Poia Rewi.

Te Mātāwai is also planning an additional investment round where whānau and sectors will be able to submit their innovative ideas that approach the revitalisation of the Māori language from a fresh perspective.  

Investment rounds opening this month:

  • Te Tai Rāwhiti 13 July – 9 August
  • Te Tai Tokerau 15 July – 15 August
  • Te Reo Tukutuku 20 July – 24 August